Share Point Solution

SharePoint in Microsoft 365 is an advanced platform that can assist companies for creation, sharing and managing contents, knowledge, and applications. It facilitate easier communication and collaboration across various entities within organisation.

Our SharePoint Services include

Power Apps

Power Apps is a suite of low-code development tools that allow users to create custom business applications for web and mobile devices. It provides a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality, making it accessible to both developers and non-developers

Power Automate

Formerly known as Microsoft Flow, Power Automate is a cloud-based service that enables users to automate repetitive tasks and business processes across multiple applications and services

SharePoint Migration

SharePoint migration refers to the process of transferring content, data, and configurations from an existing SharePoint environment to a newer version of SharePoint, or from an on-premises SharePoint deployment to SharePoint Online (part of Microsoft 365 cloud suite).

Assessment and Planning


Migration Execution


User Training and Adoption

Post-Migration Optimization

Documentation and Maintenance

Overall, SharePoint migration is a strategic process that requires careful planning, execution, and validation to ensure a successful transition to the new environment while minimizing disruptions to business operations.

UKCTL_RMM SharePoint Intranet Development

UKCTL_RMM has competent experience in Intranet Development by delivering various functionalities of the intranet domain to different types of customers.

We developed Intranet related components, Web Parts, UI/UX works, and many more for both SharePoint On-Premise and Online editions.

Overall, SharePoint migration is a strategic process that requires careful planning, execution, and validation to ensure a successful transition to the new environment while minimizing disruptions to business operations.

Custom SharePoint App Development

We develop efficient custom app suited to client needs following the below steps and adjusted as per the respective scenarios:

  • Tailoring

    SharePoint to Your Business Needs
  • Enhancing

    User Experience and Adoption
  • Automating

    Workflows and Business Processes
  • Integrating

    Third-Party Solutions
  • Data

    Visualization and Business Intelligence
  • Mobility

    and Accessibility
  • Security

    and Compliance